
Why I do it.  OutStandingInTheGarden.net is my way to express the true me, in my own words, from my own point of view.  The blog is named for the simple reason, (thought of as “outstanding”) that, this is where you will find me, Alison Reynolds, Out Standing In The Garden any given free time, taking in the wonder of growing your own.  I live in Southern Utah and have almost my whole life.  This area is desert and the growing conditions are tough.  But I am here making do with what I have and learning every day.   One thing I have learned is, it can’t be done here if you can’t laugh and find things funny.   I love growing just about anything, raising animals and the simple life.  Organic is the only way I have grown for over 15 years and after going both directions of growing it is my love and passion.  I hope to inspire all of you that just want to enjoy the moment you are in, Out Standing In The Garden.

11 responses to “About

  1. Laurie

    You are A-W-E-S-O-M-E, woman!!!!

  2. Dixie Hatanaka

    Love ya Ali! Miss seeing you and the family! I got to come and see you for help soon! Dixie Hatanaka

  3. Janice Peacock

    I love to come to your garden and get inspired….Thank You!

  4. enilse

    Wow! Ali, what a wonderful thing you have done here! I’m overjoyed to Wow! Wonderful! …and delivered in such a rich, personal manner. Great pictures too! I have come to appreciate organic farmers-like you! Not just because you are “earthy”, but because there is such a sense of joy in what you do (& you help us novice gardeners with our problems!). I’m inspired, excited & lucky to have found your blog! It’s just about as good as your figs & your Dad’s pecans! Thanks!!

  5. Hey Ali, lots of great information. I was wondering since you live in Utah have you played with rock dust? I am learning about it myself. One of the big names is Azomite which comes from Utah. That is the reason I ask. Looking forward to getting more great info from your site.

  6. Robert Liff

    I need help with my tomatoe plants. They are growing great, but they are getting to tall. They are already about five feet high. Do I let them keep going or stop them? If I let them keep going, how do I stick them? They are higher then the sticks? Or how do I stop their growth? Thanks for your help

    • You can always trim back tomatoes, but never more than a third to keep them in check. Yes you do lose some tomatoes you may have gotten if you let them go, but sometimes you just don’t have a choice! They will send out new growth before fall and could even be healthier. If mine get to tall I drive a stake, either t-post, bamboo or just a 5 foot stake and hold the tomato to the stake, then wrap jute around everything. This seems to hold well. I do have to wrap the jute around a few more times during the season, but this keeps them tidy.

  7. Sherry Russo

    I have poppies in our front yard. My question is: They are very tall, and when they bloom, are beautiful. The problem is, they only last about a week, then we have a lot of green stems & leaves that are unsightly. I don’t know when to cut them back. Right now I have them pulled together with string, just so they don’t take up so much room. I would like to plant some annuals. We also are thinking of moving them to a field in our upper yard. The deer don’t seem interested in them. What do you think I should do? Thanks, Sherry 🙂

    • Valerie

      Maybe it is a horrible thing to do, but I had some growing in my yard in bunches, randomly. They are beautiful for a couple weeks, but then you are mowing circles around them all summer. I mowed over them after the blooms were off. They grow back every year!

      • Ali

        Oh! You sound like my kind of gardener! I do that with many perennials that get scruffy after blooming (with a weed trimmer😳). Funny thing is, they seem to like it!

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