February Tasks

February is traditionally a time for preparation.  Take advantage of warm, frost free days and let the weather guide you.  Add a new tool to your garden to help guide you as when to sow early seeds.  A soil thermometer. They are inexpensive and last for years.  When temperature has stayed above 45 degrees for at least a week, it’s time to sow seeds.

Things to do now:

Plan your garden.  Know what you are putting into each part of the garden, taking into account not only to crop rotation, but the compatibility of crops in neighboring beds.

Apply Compost and dig in.

Set up cloches and winter frost blanket for early crops.

Sow broad beans, lettuce, peas, cress, chervil, radish and maincrop onion seed.  In colder climates, these can be planted in coldframes.

Fertilize garlic with blood meal if it is actively growing.  Mulch with compost.

Apply rock phosphate and azomite in late February to fruit trees, grapes and cane berries.

Any shrubs that require pruning should be tackled now before the start to shoot.

Roses can be pruned mid-February for zone 8.

Broccoli, cabbage, kale, collards should be planted in mid-February (zone 8) and cauliflower late February to ensure head formation.  Plant cauliflower from young plants and do not allow to dry out.